The Heart Of Who I Am

The Heart Of Who I Am
My first book

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

What's most important to you?

Before I prepared myself to do whatever it was that, of course, was important for the day I asked myself what is most important to me in this season of my life. I began to think about my relationship with Christ. How much Jesus has bestowed upon me to be responsible for, the impact, if any, I've made in someones life, my commitment and desire to operate in my God given purpose, the trials and tribulations I've faced in my quest towards understanding purpose, the character of God and what's expected of me. So many thoughts have passed through my mind over the last 5 minutes that I am almost tired of thinking.

I know without a doubt that it's extremely important for me to have an intimate relationship with Jesus so that I can clearly hear and receive direction and guidance, so that I am walking in the right directions towards accomplishing purpose which was already predetermined for me by Christ, so that I can gain more wisdom and knowledge of who He is and how I can affectively share the good news with others in hopes that they will also establish a relationship with Jesus and renew their minds to reach out to others as well.

In addition, my children mean the world to me as well. I want the best for my three beautiful children and desire that within their hearts they will retain all that they have learned about the love of Christ, effective communication, vision and achieving their goals, leadership, love, respect and valuing themselves and not relying on the opinions of others to validate who they are or the people they will become. I try to communicate to my children in a manner that will help them to think on the level of their understanding as well as motivating them to think outside the box to explore new revelations and grow in intelligence.

Effective communication is also vital and important to me. How can we understand and effectively resolve, share and inquire about things or issues we are most passionate about if we don't know how to successfully share the matters or our heart. I realize that our environments, experiences and formed ways of behavior will strongly influence how effectively and willingly we are able to share our views however, I advise that regardless of how your past has impacted your present state of being, release the matters of your heart for proper counsel, guidance and an opportunity to grow in wisdom and maturity.

It's important to be a willing recipient of the processes necessary to become a healthy person in mind, spirit, body and soul which will undoubtly result in strengthening bonds to enhance and develop nourishing committed relationships.

Don't neglect the people, things, experiences, lessons or opportunities you have been privileged to encounter however, embrace the good in them all and apply the elements which you may need to help you in your pursuit of purpose and your quest to achieve your goals.

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