The Heart Of Who I Am

The Heart Of Who I Am
My first book

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Business As Usual

As I meditated on things I've either seen, heard and or experienced I was compelled to share my views and opinions on the topic of Business As Usual.

I ask the question, why do we do business as usual if what we have been doing isn't yielding the results we anticipated or expected, why do we do business as usual if what we are doing doesn't have any impact on our lives or the lives of others, why do business as usual if it isn't influencing a mindset, lifestyle, economic or social change? I ask the question, again, Why do business as usual if it isn't contributing to your pursuit of purpose, vision or goals?

As I contemplated on these questions permeating my thoughts I began to wonder if, perhaps, many of the answers to these questions lies within the fact that many people don't see themselves as leaders, or maybe people haven't come into the revelation of who they really are to even awaken the dormant answers to stimulate change which could potentially change the way the entire world functions. Perhaps, a person does understand their importance however, they are frozen with fear and lack the required self-confidence or development to operate in the area where change is most needed.

I believe in other cases we continue in our ways of actions and thinking because of learned behaviors, religious thinking, one sided philosophies and distorted attitudeds from the things we have experienced which if not properly understood could cause one to become inflexible and incapable of perceiving the need and importance that some things shouldn't be business as usual.

I know you have heard the cliche, "If it ain't broke don't fix it", however, I believe that even if it's not broken their is potential to advance, improve, mature, grow and elevate something into a position to be used in a greater magnitude throughout the course of time. However, using good judgement will help eliminate unnecessary efforts of change if not needed. I'm only trying to motivate and challenge people to increase our levels of affectiveness in areas of our lives which could prospectively influence you to think outside the box of formality and customs if it isn't changing the core or heart of the matter resulting in transformed and modified life-style behaviors.

Oftentimes we spend so much time depositing information and wisdom into the lives of others which we believe to be accurate and precise however, when we have effectively communicated our perspective and knowledge many times you experience some level of disappointment because you do not see evident changes but people doing business as usual.

If something needs repairing, repair it; if something needs to be revised, revise it; if something needs adjusting, adjust it; If something needs to be removed, remove it; if something needs to be changed, change it; if something needs to be done differently, make it different; if something needs to be increased, increase it; if something needs to be decreased, decrease it; If business as usual is not effectively stimulating positive results, conditions, actions, relationships, maturity or growth don't neglect the necessary need to find solutions and answers to begin walking in a lifestyle and mindset of one who will no longer be content with business as usual.

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