The Heart Of Who I Am

The Heart Of Who I Am
My first book

Thursday, November 5, 2009

A mind set of change

Have you ever been associated with anyone who doesn't understand or comprehend the value of change? Do you know an adult within your circle of acquaintances whose behavior or characteristics has caused unnecessary consequences and has also offended others due to the lack of maturity they have illustrated? Well, if you answered yes to any of the following questions presented, you are dealing with an individual who hasn't recognized the benefits of growth and advancement. However, they have chosen to stay stuck on foolish and have developed unintelligent manners. As a result, they have become unable or perhaps for some created a mindset of denial towards the need to concede and confess that perhaps somewhere during the process of what should have been their development in life, some unfortunate event has instigated and prompted them to not progress. Therefore, they have become an adult on the exterior, however within the parameters of their matured physic they are lacking vital mental and emotional fundamentals necessary to connect, understand, communicate and effectively grow.

Yes, It is an unfortunate situation for someone in this state of being especially when you see the great potential and desire that resides within them to become someone who has been restored and renewed from the constraints of their debilitating pasts. Unfortunately, many people who have befriended, are family or have in someway united and have become acquainted with these types of characteristics know the realities of how challenging it is to convince an adult of the obvious need for them to grow up and and change the way's of their unhealthy and unproductive ways of being which are not manifesting positive and life-changing results.

The bottom line before you even think about helping someone else, make sure that you have been working on yourself because the first line of defense they will, undoubtedly, use against you in your attempts to help them is to identify all of your faults. So if you are not in a position to take a hit, be sure to not give or advise counsel to anyone else. However, if you know that you have it going on with an open mindset for continual growth, then you should be safe and prepared for the rewards and consequences of trying to help someone else discover and admit to necessary changes that they need to implement to bring about healing and reconciliations.

If a person fails to confess and acknowledge detrimental concerns which has caused an insurmountable amount of stress and turmoil in their lives as well as in the lives of those who sincerely love them well, in my opinion, the only answer or method that will be effective enough to permeate and breakthrough the barriers of any one's uncompromising and rigid mindset is the power of prayer. At this stage it will take the power and love of Jesus to open the eyes and understanding for the apparent need for change. Change is a choice and is an opportunity for growth and to anyone who rejects it due to pride and ignorance they are being a foolish person.

So I encourage you if this is you or someone you are affiliated with that has been presented with specific concerns or negative behaviors ask Jesus to help you identify and understand what these behaviors are, secondly have a determined mind to persevere through the necessary processes, whatever they may consist of, to bring to surface the causes, if any, that has contributed to this manner, thirdly be steadfast and determined to see yourself past that place which has constrained you from maximizing your level of productive thinking and actions, fourthly know that when you give it all over to Jesus that He will surely provide the needed resources to help you achieve and conquer and lastly speak life, positive words of affirmation, apply and understand scripture relevant to your situation and know in the end you have made yourself open and flexible for continual change to help you grow maturely and healthy now able to see things in the light that Jesus originally desired.

Remember a mindset of change doesn't have an age limit, doesn't require a degree nor does it cost you anything to obtain. However, the reward for applying it can yield new opportunities, strengthen your relationships, increase potential and provide unlimited and varying resources in your pursuit of purpose.

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