The Heart Of Who I Am

The Heart Of Who I Am
My first book

Monday, November 9, 2009

Keep Standing!

I was thinking about all the various challenges which I've been facing as well as those I have heard from people I have aquainted myself with and have been amazed with the overwhelming realities of how much people are going through in their lives, marriages, physical, employment, relationships and just within their family structures. Sometimes just hearing the heartfelt struggles of others and how they have been capable of managing the burdens of what they are enduring has caused me, in many ways, to regroup and recharge myself in order to stand in the midst of my trials. Surely, if they can do it than I'm confident and assured that with my faith and trust in God that I can continue to stand as well.

But, let's be real I know I can't be alone with feeling sometimes that the weights of my situations, concerns, cares, desires, hardships, expectations, hopes and trials of what I endure in my daily walk towards my pursuit of purpose sometimes tests the very strength which I claim and speak to have. I mean although I oftentimes profess it with my mouth and deeply believe in my heart I find myself plummeting to the heaviness of the matters in which I'm facing. Due to the failures of our economic state, I have read and heard about how people are stressed to, what they have been convinced are, their maximum limits and as a result this nation as had a substantial rise in suicides.

Historically, only a slump of the magnitude of the Great Depression has had any overall effect on the nation’s suicide rates, which hovered in 2006 at 11.1 deaths per 100,000 people, totaling about 33,300 people a year, according to the American Association of Suicidology.

Although we can't contribute one single factor to the growing number of suicides the bottom line is that these people whom God created felt that, perhaps, they could no longer stand under the emmense problems which they were facing.

I am writing this in hopes that someone understands the importance of standing even when you think you have no more strength left in you. Stand in the midst of failures, disappointments, health ailments, relational conflict & strife, financial distress, mental & emotional abuse and when you think there is no more hope, you must stand because there is hope! Don't allow your overwhelming adversities to dictate the outcome of predetermined purpose that's been given unto you. Fight until change begins to permeate your situations.

I was told to find the good in everything, so I encourage you to find the good in what you are challenged with. This will, in many ways, get your mind off of the obvious negative impact of that situation to help comfort and take pressure off of the immediate circumstances which you may have limited resources of resolving at that time. In addition, surround yourself with someone or people you trust that will be an ear and a mouthpiece of wisdom to help you stand when you've done all you can do. I realize from experience how difficult it is to, sometimes, see beyond what you have been dealt however, within you are stored reserves to get you past your current dilemma.

Stand because you have been given much and have just as much to give because of what you have experienced, stand because you were given a specific purpose that was meant to be shared and benefit others, stand because you are loved and love wants to be shown to you. Jesus is love and in Him you will find maximum strength. Don't abort or cancel out something that was planned before your conception that you have not been given the authority to do. Be responsible with the steps you take during challenging times in your life. Don't be comformed by the what not's, the what if's, the have not's or the why not's but be transformed by the renewing of your mind through the wise counsel of God's word and of other's He has entrusted to you to help you stand.

So if you have fallen, stand and if you fall again stand up again and keep getting up until your stance is one that reflects a positive outlook, one that shows that you will conquer, one that reveals the winner in you, one that strongly suggests your faith and trust in Jesus because someone needs to hear how you became an overcomer. Someone needs to hear how you survived some of the most challenging times in your life. Someone in a worst state of being than you needs to hear your sincere heart and confessions of human frailalties so that they will also be inspired to Stand when they have done all that they can do. Stand and keep standing because God's knows just what to do and He will never leave, forsake or fail you.

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