The Heart Of Who I Am

The Heart Of Who I Am
My first book

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Trusting beyond your pain

Trusting the heart of others beyond the hurts of your past or current conditions can oftentimes produce new hurts while old wounds are being healed which makes it more challenging for anyone struggling to abound from what they have already endured.

Having shared so much about my life struggles in my book entitled, "The heart of who I am, peeling back the layers of who I am not, to reveal the heart of who I am", I know from personal experience of how difficult it is to liberate your mind from convincing your heart that you can't trust anyone beyond what has caused the deficiency to begin with.

Having been disappointed by many people whom I yielded my heart to which I assumed cared enough about my feelings and disposition, nonetheless were the ones who caused and contributed to my insecurities which influenced me even more to guard my heart to the highest degree in order to avoid, in actuality, the realities of establishing relationships.

However, I've learned through many circumstance in my life that I can not regard everyone in the same category as those whom have in some capacity added to my internal and emotional pain. I have to not allow my heart to become hardened by experiences which in many ways has opened my eyes to opportunities of growth and development helping me to gain insight and wisdom into the possibilities of how what I've learned can benefit the life of someone else.

I am accountable for for my own growth, development, advancement, progress and success in obtaining the rewards and understanding of all the pain which I have had to endure and it is my obligation to learn to see the good in the challenges faced which cannot be avoided in my life. It was brought to my attention that we may never understand all that we've gone through or why we had to go through those particular situations however, we must be adamant to keep our eyes focused on the promises of our lives.

We have to know that we have been called for a purpose and the desire within us all to walk out our predetermined callings is greater than the desire to dwell in a place that isn't conducive or healthy. To be such a short, one syllable word, trust is one of the hardest words for many of us to achieve. Trusting someone with your heart which is such an important and essential part of who you are is having tremendous faith that who you have established a relationship with is a person or are people which you can be transparent with without concerns or doubts of them causing you pain.

I am fortunate that after so many challenges, struggles and trials which I've encountered that damaged my views on trust, that I'm now in a place in my life that I can honestly say that not only do I faithfully trust my Heavenly Father but I'm also trusting beyond my hurts, pains and past wounds and being free to do so has been a great opportunity to finally exhale out the old while I inhale the newness of what I've always desired which is having confidence in someone else.

I encourage you to continue in your efforts of breaking through any barriers which may be preventing you from trusting the people who have been true to the heart of who you are.

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