The Heart Of Who I Am

The Heart Of Who I Am
My first book

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Are you working in your area of passion?

I'm learning everyday in my endeavors and efforts of my pursuit of purpose that it is imperative and significant to understand what you were created to do. You hear the success stories of many individuals who have discovered what they were most passionate about in their lives and how they turned their passion into money making ventures which have yielded them not only great financial achievements but a since of satisfaction as well because they were fortunate enough to accomplish something that they were delighted to do.

The founder of Microsoft, Mr. Bill Gates is a great example of an individual who nurtured and developed what he was most passionate about in the field of technology and as a result of his success and accomplishments many people have been privileged to benefit from the fruits of his labor.

In my opinion it's easier cultivating your passion if it is discovered and encouraged in your youth because it grows and becomes a part of your character and attitude however, if it isn't understood until your adulthood I personally believe that people are more apprehensive to enlarge their territories to advance themselves because they have become comfortable and complacent with what they have chosen as their livelihood and or resource.

Nevertheless, to rise above the current conditions of your present state of being and to become fulfilled in your daily efforts of achieving short and long-term goals, I personally feel that walking in your passion will increase the potential of receiving the satisfaction and desires of what your heart has longed for.

So I ask the question, what has God made you passionate about? Are you walking in your passion? If not, what will it take to begin walking in your passion? If yes, are you satisfied that you have chosen to follow your heart?

With certainty, anyone operating in the area of their passion will undoubtedly be more resilient of the definite challenges and laborious tasks they will endure as they pursue accomplishing their goals of financial and personal success.

I encourage you to at least come into an understanding and recognition of what it is you are most passionate about. After identifying your passion, ask yourself these simple but significant questions; At this point in my life how valuable would it be to expound on what I'm most passionate about, what type of positive impact could it potentially make in the lives of others as well as myself, Do I have the motivation, discipline and perseverance to compose and develop this passion, and finally am I committed to whatever changes, if any, I must make emotionally, mentally, physically or financially in my efforts of this new endeavor.

If you decide not to pursue your passion for whatever reasons you may have, you should at least apply the effort of helping your children to identify what they are most passionate about and steer them in the right direction to increase their opportunity of successfully developing their passion into accomplishments. Support and educate them of the importance and potential rewards of acknowledging what they are most passionate about. God has faithfully given each one of us a passion for whatever He has purposed us to accomplish however, many of us fail because we have either never come into the understanding of how to correlate passion with purpose, or we don't believe that our passion is resourceful enough to yield what we need to survive or make a living from. However, I've learned that with the proper help, assistance, input from those you trust, knowledge and continued efforts of building your skill and talents to become an expert at your trade that you, your children and anyone else could potentially create new ideas and ways of doing things, new products and services which could be life saving and beneficial and new technology which could perhaps open doors of opportunity and increased revenue for various types of businesses.

Let's change the way we think and think of ways of applying our passion to change the lifestyle and behaviors of as many people we are able to impact in a positive manner.

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