The Heart Of Who I Am

The Heart Of Who I Am
My first book

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Just A Prayer Away

So many people are facing various daily challenges as we try to maintain a positive attitude to be able to cope with our tomorrows. The economic conditions in which we are living has so greatly impacted many households, families, individuals, businesses and organizations to the magnitude that they are uncertain of how they will be able to provide, how long will they be able to sustain, what they are going to do with the limited resources they are now presented and how will they manage once their funds have been depleted.

The realization is that many people are struggling to remain positive, upbeat and optimistic about the conditions of their financial, mental, emotional and social status that many people are giving up hope and are not able to see past their problems. There are times many people just want to give up and give in because nothing that they have tried to do seems to yield the resources they so desperately need to take care of their responsibilities but I am here to share some encouraging news today! God is just a prayer away and all you have to do is call on Him and He will be your refuge, He will rescue your emotions and if you let Him bring peace to the storms of life which we are currently facing.

God is just a prayer away and if you are a person that never believed in the power of prayer, I challenge you to trust Him to meet the needs which you may have. God is so much more than just a higher power He is the Source of our strength, the Breath of life we breath, the Provider of our every need, the Healer of our hurts, distresses and pain and the God who is in control of all that has been, will be and is to come!

God is just a prayer away and all you have to do is call out His name and know that He hears your heart and will be the love to wipe away your tears, He will be the love to wrap around your loneliness, He will be the love to fill the uncertain void because He has always been in control and has the world in the palm of His hands.

A relationship with Jesus will open your eyes of understanding and receiving to believe the promises He has for you. Don't give up hope or faith but trust the One who is hope and faith and know that God is Just a prayer away.

Business As Usual

As I meditated on things I've either seen, heard and or experienced I was compelled to share my views and opinions on the topic of Business As Usual.

I ask the question, why do we do business as usual if what we have been doing isn't yielding the results we anticipated or expected, why do we do business as usual if what we are doing doesn't have any impact on our lives or the lives of others, why do business as usual if it isn't influencing a mindset, lifestyle, economic or social change? I ask the question, again, Why do business as usual if it isn't contributing to your pursuit of purpose, vision or goals?

As I contemplated on these questions permeating my thoughts I began to wonder if, perhaps, many of the answers to these questions lies within the fact that many people don't see themselves as leaders, or maybe people haven't come into the revelation of who they really are to even awaken the dormant answers to stimulate change which could potentially change the way the entire world functions. Perhaps, a person does understand their importance however, they are frozen with fear and lack the required self-confidence or development to operate in the area where change is most needed.

I believe in other cases we continue in our ways of actions and thinking because of learned behaviors, religious thinking, one sided philosophies and distorted attitudeds from the things we have experienced which if not properly understood could cause one to become inflexible and incapable of perceiving the need and importance that some things shouldn't be business as usual.

I know you have heard the cliche, "If it ain't broke don't fix it", however, I believe that even if it's not broken their is potential to advance, improve, mature, grow and elevate something into a position to be used in a greater magnitude throughout the course of time. However, using good judgement will help eliminate unnecessary efforts of change if not needed. I'm only trying to motivate and challenge people to increase our levels of affectiveness in areas of our lives which could prospectively influence you to think outside the box of formality and customs if it isn't changing the core or heart of the matter resulting in transformed and modified life-style behaviors.

Oftentimes we spend so much time depositing information and wisdom into the lives of others which we believe to be accurate and precise however, when we have effectively communicated our perspective and knowledge many times you experience some level of disappointment because you do not see evident changes but people doing business as usual.

If something needs repairing, repair it; if something needs to be revised, revise it; if something needs adjusting, adjust it; If something needs to be removed, remove it; if something needs to be changed, change it; if something needs to be done differently, make it different; if something needs to be increased, increase it; if something needs to be decreased, decrease it; If business as usual is not effectively stimulating positive results, conditions, actions, relationships, maturity or growth don't neglect the necessary need to find solutions and answers to begin walking in a lifestyle and mindset of one who will no longer be content with business as usual.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

What's most important to you?

Before I prepared myself to do whatever it was that, of course, was important for the day I asked myself what is most important to me in this season of my life. I began to think about my relationship with Christ. How much Jesus has bestowed upon me to be responsible for, the impact, if any, I've made in someones life, my commitment and desire to operate in my God given purpose, the trials and tribulations I've faced in my quest towards understanding purpose, the character of God and what's expected of me. So many thoughts have passed through my mind over the last 5 minutes that I am almost tired of thinking.

I know without a doubt that it's extremely important for me to have an intimate relationship with Jesus so that I can clearly hear and receive direction and guidance, so that I am walking in the right directions towards accomplishing purpose which was already predetermined for me by Christ, so that I can gain more wisdom and knowledge of who He is and how I can affectively share the good news with others in hopes that they will also establish a relationship with Jesus and renew their minds to reach out to others as well.

In addition, my children mean the world to me as well. I want the best for my three beautiful children and desire that within their hearts they will retain all that they have learned about the love of Christ, effective communication, vision and achieving their goals, leadership, love, respect and valuing themselves and not relying on the opinions of others to validate who they are or the people they will become. I try to communicate to my children in a manner that will help them to think on the level of their understanding as well as motivating them to think outside the box to explore new revelations and grow in intelligence.

Effective communication is also vital and important to me. How can we understand and effectively resolve, share and inquire about things or issues we are most passionate about if we don't know how to successfully share the matters or our heart. I realize that our environments, experiences and formed ways of behavior will strongly influence how effectively and willingly we are able to share our views however, I advise that regardless of how your past has impacted your present state of being, release the matters of your heart for proper counsel, guidance and an opportunity to grow in wisdom and maturity.

It's important to be a willing recipient of the processes necessary to become a healthy person in mind, spirit, body and soul which will undoubtly result in strengthening bonds to enhance and develop nourishing committed relationships.

Don't neglect the people, things, experiences, lessons or opportunities you have been privileged to encounter however, embrace the good in them all and apply the elements which you may need to help you in your pursuit of purpose and your quest to achieve your goals.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Keep Standing!

I was thinking about all the various challenges which I've been facing as well as those I have heard from people I have aquainted myself with and have been amazed with the overwhelming realities of how much people are going through in their lives, marriages, physical, employment, relationships and just within their family structures. Sometimes just hearing the heartfelt struggles of others and how they have been capable of managing the burdens of what they are enduring has caused me, in many ways, to regroup and recharge myself in order to stand in the midst of my trials. Surely, if they can do it than I'm confident and assured that with my faith and trust in God that I can continue to stand as well.

But, let's be real I know I can't be alone with feeling sometimes that the weights of my situations, concerns, cares, desires, hardships, expectations, hopes and trials of what I endure in my daily walk towards my pursuit of purpose sometimes tests the very strength which I claim and speak to have. I mean although I oftentimes profess it with my mouth and deeply believe in my heart I find myself plummeting to the heaviness of the matters in which I'm facing. Due to the failures of our economic state, I have read and heard about how people are stressed to, what they have been convinced are, their maximum limits and as a result this nation as had a substantial rise in suicides.

Historically, only a slump of the magnitude of the Great Depression has had any overall effect on the nation’s suicide rates, which hovered in 2006 at 11.1 deaths per 100,000 people, totaling about 33,300 people a year, according to the American Association of Suicidology.

Although we can't contribute one single factor to the growing number of suicides the bottom line is that these people whom God created felt that, perhaps, they could no longer stand under the emmense problems which they were facing.

I am writing this in hopes that someone understands the importance of standing even when you think you have no more strength left in you. Stand in the midst of failures, disappointments, health ailments, relational conflict & strife, financial distress, mental & emotional abuse and when you think there is no more hope, you must stand because there is hope! Don't allow your overwhelming adversities to dictate the outcome of predetermined purpose that's been given unto you. Fight until change begins to permeate your situations.

I was told to find the good in everything, so I encourage you to find the good in what you are challenged with. This will, in many ways, get your mind off of the obvious negative impact of that situation to help comfort and take pressure off of the immediate circumstances which you may have limited resources of resolving at that time. In addition, surround yourself with someone or people you trust that will be an ear and a mouthpiece of wisdom to help you stand when you've done all you can do. I realize from experience how difficult it is to, sometimes, see beyond what you have been dealt however, within you are stored reserves to get you past your current dilemma.

Stand because you have been given much and have just as much to give because of what you have experienced, stand because you were given a specific purpose that was meant to be shared and benefit others, stand because you are loved and love wants to be shown to you. Jesus is love and in Him you will find maximum strength. Don't abort or cancel out something that was planned before your conception that you have not been given the authority to do. Be responsible with the steps you take during challenging times in your life. Don't be comformed by the what not's, the what if's, the have not's or the why not's but be transformed by the renewing of your mind through the wise counsel of God's word and of other's He has entrusted to you to help you stand.

So if you have fallen, stand and if you fall again stand up again and keep getting up until your stance is one that reflects a positive outlook, one that shows that you will conquer, one that reveals the winner in you, one that strongly suggests your faith and trust in Jesus because someone needs to hear how you became an overcomer. Someone needs to hear how you survived some of the most challenging times in your life. Someone in a worst state of being than you needs to hear your sincere heart and confessions of human frailalties so that they will also be inspired to Stand when they have done all that they can do. Stand and keep standing because God's knows just what to do and He will never leave, forsake or fail you.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Trusting beyond your pain

Trusting the heart of others beyond the hurts of your past or current conditions can oftentimes produce new hurts while old wounds are being healed which makes it more challenging for anyone struggling to abound from what they have already endured.

Having shared so much about my life struggles in my book entitled, "The heart of who I am, peeling back the layers of who I am not, to reveal the heart of who I am", I know from personal experience of how difficult it is to liberate your mind from convincing your heart that you can't trust anyone beyond what has caused the deficiency to begin with.

Having been disappointed by many people whom I yielded my heart to which I assumed cared enough about my feelings and disposition, nonetheless were the ones who caused and contributed to my insecurities which influenced me even more to guard my heart to the highest degree in order to avoid, in actuality, the realities of establishing relationships.

However, I've learned through many circumstance in my life that I can not regard everyone in the same category as those whom have in some capacity added to my internal and emotional pain. I have to not allow my heart to become hardened by experiences which in many ways has opened my eyes to opportunities of growth and development helping me to gain insight and wisdom into the possibilities of how what I've learned can benefit the life of someone else.

I am accountable for for my own growth, development, advancement, progress and success in obtaining the rewards and understanding of all the pain which I have had to endure and it is my obligation to learn to see the good in the challenges faced which cannot be avoided in my life. It was brought to my attention that we may never understand all that we've gone through or why we had to go through those particular situations however, we must be adamant to keep our eyes focused on the promises of our lives.

We have to know that we have been called for a purpose and the desire within us all to walk out our predetermined callings is greater than the desire to dwell in a place that isn't conducive or healthy. To be such a short, one syllable word, trust is one of the hardest words for many of us to achieve. Trusting someone with your heart which is such an important and essential part of who you are is having tremendous faith that who you have established a relationship with is a person or are people which you can be transparent with without concerns or doubts of them causing you pain.

I am fortunate that after so many challenges, struggles and trials which I've encountered that damaged my views on trust, that I'm now in a place in my life that I can honestly say that not only do I faithfully trust my Heavenly Father but I'm also trusting beyond my hurts, pains and past wounds and being free to do so has been a great opportunity to finally exhale out the old while I inhale the newness of what I've always desired which is having confidence in someone else.

I encourage you to continue in your efforts of breaking through any barriers which may be preventing you from trusting the people who have been true to the heart of who you are.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

A mind set of change

Have you ever been associated with anyone who doesn't understand or comprehend the value of change? Do you know an adult within your circle of acquaintances whose behavior or characteristics has caused unnecessary consequences and has also offended others due to the lack of maturity they have illustrated? Well, if you answered yes to any of the following questions presented, you are dealing with an individual who hasn't recognized the benefits of growth and advancement. However, they have chosen to stay stuck on foolish and have developed unintelligent manners. As a result, they have become unable or perhaps for some created a mindset of denial towards the need to concede and confess that perhaps somewhere during the process of what should have been their development in life, some unfortunate event has instigated and prompted them to not progress. Therefore, they have become an adult on the exterior, however within the parameters of their matured physic they are lacking vital mental and emotional fundamentals necessary to connect, understand, communicate and effectively grow.

Yes, It is an unfortunate situation for someone in this state of being especially when you see the great potential and desire that resides within them to become someone who has been restored and renewed from the constraints of their debilitating pasts. Unfortunately, many people who have befriended, are family or have in someway united and have become acquainted with these types of characteristics know the realities of how challenging it is to convince an adult of the obvious need for them to grow up and and change the way's of their unhealthy and unproductive ways of being which are not manifesting positive and life-changing results.

The bottom line before you even think about helping someone else, make sure that you have been working on yourself because the first line of defense they will, undoubtedly, use against you in your attempts to help them is to identify all of your faults. So if you are not in a position to take a hit, be sure to not give or advise counsel to anyone else. However, if you know that you have it going on with an open mindset for continual growth, then you should be safe and prepared for the rewards and consequences of trying to help someone else discover and admit to necessary changes that they need to implement to bring about healing and reconciliations.

If a person fails to confess and acknowledge detrimental concerns which has caused an insurmountable amount of stress and turmoil in their lives as well as in the lives of those who sincerely love them well, in my opinion, the only answer or method that will be effective enough to permeate and breakthrough the barriers of any one's uncompromising and rigid mindset is the power of prayer. At this stage it will take the power and love of Jesus to open the eyes and understanding for the apparent need for change. Change is a choice and is an opportunity for growth and to anyone who rejects it due to pride and ignorance they are being a foolish person.

So I encourage you if this is you or someone you are affiliated with that has been presented with specific concerns or negative behaviors ask Jesus to help you identify and understand what these behaviors are, secondly have a determined mind to persevere through the necessary processes, whatever they may consist of, to bring to surface the causes, if any, that has contributed to this manner, thirdly be steadfast and determined to see yourself past that place which has constrained you from maximizing your level of productive thinking and actions, fourthly know that when you give it all over to Jesus that He will surely provide the needed resources to help you achieve and conquer and lastly speak life, positive words of affirmation, apply and understand scripture relevant to your situation and know in the end you have made yourself open and flexible for continual change to help you grow maturely and healthy now able to see things in the light that Jesus originally desired.

Remember a mindset of change doesn't have an age limit, doesn't require a degree nor does it cost you anything to obtain. However, the reward for applying it can yield new opportunities, strengthen your relationships, increase potential and provide unlimited and varying resources in your pursuit of purpose.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Are you working in your area of passion?

I'm learning everyday in my endeavors and efforts of my pursuit of purpose that it is imperative and significant to understand what you were created to do. You hear the success stories of many individuals who have discovered what they were most passionate about in their lives and how they turned their passion into money making ventures which have yielded them not only great financial achievements but a since of satisfaction as well because they were fortunate enough to accomplish something that they were delighted to do.

The founder of Microsoft, Mr. Bill Gates is a great example of an individual who nurtured and developed what he was most passionate about in the field of technology and as a result of his success and accomplishments many people have been privileged to benefit from the fruits of his labor.

In my opinion it's easier cultivating your passion if it is discovered and encouraged in your youth because it grows and becomes a part of your character and attitude however, if it isn't understood until your adulthood I personally believe that people are more apprehensive to enlarge their territories to advance themselves because they have become comfortable and complacent with what they have chosen as their livelihood and or resource.

Nevertheless, to rise above the current conditions of your present state of being and to become fulfilled in your daily efforts of achieving short and long-term goals, I personally feel that walking in your passion will increase the potential of receiving the satisfaction and desires of what your heart has longed for.

So I ask the question, what has God made you passionate about? Are you walking in your passion? If not, what will it take to begin walking in your passion? If yes, are you satisfied that you have chosen to follow your heart?

With certainty, anyone operating in the area of their passion will undoubtedly be more resilient of the definite challenges and laborious tasks they will endure as they pursue accomplishing their goals of financial and personal success.

I encourage you to at least come into an understanding and recognition of what it is you are most passionate about. After identifying your passion, ask yourself these simple but significant questions; At this point in my life how valuable would it be to expound on what I'm most passionate about, what type of positive impact could it potentially make in the lives of others as well as myself, Do I have the motivation, discipline and perseverance to compose and develop this passion, and finally am I committed to whatever changes, if any, I must make emotionally, mentally, physically or financially in my efforts of this new endeavor.

If you decide not to pursue your passion for whatever reasons you may have, you should at least apply the effort of helping your children to identify what they are most passionate about and steer them in the right direction to increase their opportunity of successfully developing their passion into accomplishments. Support and educate them of the importance and potential rewards of acknowledging what they are most passionate about. God has faithfully given each one of us a passion for whatever He has purposed us to accomplish however, many of us fail because we have either never come into the understanding of how to correlate passion with purpose, or we don't believe that our passion is resourceful enough to yield what we need to survive or make a living from. However, I've learned that with the proper help, assistance, input from those you trust, knowledge and continued efforts of building your skill and talents to become an expert at your trade that you, your children and anyone else could potentially create new ideas and ways of doing things, new products and services which could be life saving and beneficial and new technology which could perhaps open doors of opportunity and increased revenue for various types of businesses.

Let's change the way we think and think of ways of applying our passion to change the lifestyle and behaviors of as many people we are able to impact in a positive manner.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Apply action to your faith!

In today's society many people find themselves feeling like they are backed into a wall with no way of escaping or no way of figuring out how they will maneuver around the mental, emotional and physical blocks preventing them from an opportunity to break free.

Being stuck in an ummovable place or an idle mindset that no longer allows your abilities or expertise to release what you are normally capable of fixing is the most frustrating and discouraging position to be in.

Not only can it be non-healthy but it can also be a time to reflect on opportunities which will perhaps avert you from making the same mistakes and the possiblity of recognizing areas within yourself which requires change to determine what really works and what can be applied to make a long-term difference.

Over a period of time I have become quite familiar with the language of many christians who say they are executing faith. However, I've learned and have sought out the understanding that faith without works is dead. However many christians, in my opinion use faith as an excuse not to change. The excuse, "God will do it, or I'm waiting on God to fix it is a reason to not execute the gifts & talents they were blessed with.

We need to implement ideas, strategies, tactics, plans and inspirations that are motivating factors to strengthen our opportunities and potentials of success.

If it doesn't work stop trying to revitalize dead ways of thinking that don't produce, hopeless ways of living that don't generate, unproductive and repetitive speech that doesn't initiate change, growth or any indication of progress or development.

What I'm trying to convey is that it takes more than speaking or thinking change however, it takes a conscience decision to apply the value, worth, expertise, proficiency and the genius of what you have gained and learned to make an everlasting impact in your life and the lives of others.