The Heart Of Who I Am

The Heart Of Who I Am
My first book

Friday, February 5, 2010

A Spiritual Journey...

We all are responsible for the type of content we consume and identify with that is supposed to nurture and help elevate our levels of thinking to dimensions, that if action is applied, will help us towards understanding and accomplishing our goal(s) towards the pursuit of purpose. However, along our journey we are faced with distractions, victories, road blocks, injuries, disorientation, confusion, new revelation and the list can extend far too great for this particular blog. Furthermore, for each individual the journey will vary because we are uniquely made with distinct personalities, characters, ways of behavior, thinking and diverse experiences which have molded our original image into figures of speech with attitudes, postures and voices based off of our hurts, disappointments, expectations, satisfactions or the lack of that we have allowed to either impact our minds and hearts in either a positive or a negative mode.

Our Spiritual Journey's will all yield different declarations however, the ultimate and identifiable resemblance should be the Love of God and the Love of others. Irregardless of the route or direction that you have chosen we should all end at the the Kingdom of God. Nevertheless, most of us never fully reach that place of destination or understanding because along the journey we are not fully equipped to handle the unexpected impediments because instead of Jesus being your center of attention you discover that something within you is surfacing or shall I say influences of some kind or another motivates you to such a degree that it impacts the way you view the reasons why you even began the journey in the first place.

Let me be the the voice to reiterate IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU THINK when it comes to the will of God on your spiritual journey. IT DOESN'T MATTER HOW YOU FEEL because without an accurate understanding you are destined to become lost on a journey that was meant to help you discover truths and riches only meant for those who desire eternal wealth and prosperity. My point if you have chosen to walk this journey it will, at some point, become challenging but most importantly is how you face the challenge, the insight achieved and as a result how you will apply knowledge gained.

To be on any journey and not gain valuable information and awareness while trying to reach your intended goal is really determined by the individual and what they are capable of comprehending or retaining. We chose to hear and see what is most pleasurable and infatuating to our current needs and oftentimes, dismiss the significant and essential factors that will keep our minds & hearts healthy along the way. It takes discipline, passion, concentration and determination to remain on a journey which can also be considered as a crossing, a voyage, an excursion, a tour, flying or simply travel. All of the mentioned consists of time which will, undoubtedly, produce many phenomenons which will not, necessarily, all be what you anticipated. However, I believe that through it all God is most pleased with what we do with what we have gained as tools and wisdom that will help us love the way that He desires which reflects the love He has for us.

If your Spiritual Journey requires you to take another path because of the season, road block or conditions along the way be sure that you are properly equipped with the adequate things that will be beneficial to getting you to your destination. Here are a few suggestions to include in your gear; the Word of God which provides some essential nutrients, necessary, to become less disoriented, the Blood of Jesus which protects you against hurt, harm, dangers & disease, the Name of Jesus to be called on for; power, endurance, peace and refuge and the Holy Spirit to counsel & help keep your mind & heart in line with the intended purpose of your journey.

Let's face it not all will make it to their destination and some may take longer than intended because of what they have consumed and digested along the way because they are not willing to get the proper attention or care. They become oblivious and unmindful of God's intentions and will for their lives because they have chosen their own will & desires. They put the blame on others instead of being responsible and accountable for their decisions. Either way it goes God is still in control of the itinerary which, by the way, doesn't change because of your opinions. Realign your mind, heart and soul with the love and will of God as you pursue your purpose on your Spiritual Journey.

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