The Heart Of Who I Am

The Heart Of Who I Am
My first book

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Becoming Healthier!

What does becoming healthy mean to you? Is it more physical then mental? Is more emotional than spiritual? Is it more psychological or relational? In my opinion, I would say to truly become healthier individuals it would have to include a good positive balance of all the above. One without the other minimizes the powerful influence and significance each one imparts within us.

Last year as a plan of action to become healthier I wrote my first book entitled,"The heart of who I am", as a method to become healthier psychologically and emotionally. By bringing to surface experiences in my life which took place throughout my growth and development as a youth into adulthood that affected the heart of who I was, which in many ways was extremely therapeutic for me. Bringing to surface memories, unresolved hurts, distress and in some cases unforgivness allowed me to begin the process of becoming a healthier person emotionally.

What gain or success is it to become an external physical illustration of health however, internally your mind and heart is contaminated from injuries and wombs which never received the proper attention or resolve to yield and promote healthy healing or closure? They are all related and one without the other being healthy doesn't provide the adequate completeness needed to being as healthy as one desires and oftentimes thinks they are.

It is vital to be balanced in all aspects of becoming, in shape, healthy individuals for proper growth, maturity, understanding and establishing and maintaining strong relationships. Different circumstances, health conditions, experiences, inner dialogues and what you entertain your mind with on a regular basis affects the outcome of how you feel about yourself and your impressions of others. If your inner man is unconstructive & negative instead of positive then all the hard work that you put into making your outer image attractive is simply futile.

You must discover and acknowledge what your body type is deficient in and then be willing to absorb and process the proper nourishing elements necessary for your condition and or make-up. You have to be committed to the procedures necessary for your development and understand that the journey may not be easy and there may be some setbacks and you may fall short every now and then but you have a made-up, determined mind to achieve your fitness goals.

One valuable tool and resource I have used in becoming a healthier person is the inspiring, powerful, nutritious, loving and healthy Word of God. First having a relationship with Christ has taught me valuable lessons about myself that no man could ever been able to help me understand or recognize. Jesus Christ helps you to learn to understand and love yourself which is an inner healing that can't be acquired or obtained from anyone or anything else. The word of God provides strength, insight, correction and knowledge on how to become a healthier balanced person because God created you and purposed for you from the beginning to be great and walk in the fullness of who you were predestined to become. Anything outside of what God intended is unhealthy and will not produce the intended results of your hard labor.

So I encourage you to become healthy in all aspects of your life. Abandon and discard unhealthy things in and around your life that's spoiled and causes disfigurement, stoutness, undernourishment, distractions and discouragement and replenish your shelves with beneficial and nutritious essentials that will help you achieve your goals of Becoming Healthy!

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