The Heart Of Who I Am

The Heart Of Who I Am
My first book

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Be Inspired!

Just wanted to inspire and encourage everyone today facing difficult decisions, financial challenges, relational struggles, health issues and employment setbacks. We have so much within us to sustain and elevate us to a higher way of thinking and a stronger way of being when we are experiencing problems and troubles. Because of what we all have been able to triumph over and have been able to endure throughout our varied lives such as; different forms of discrimination, various elements of abuse, relational destruction, character and personality defamation, false accusations and jealousy, and other negative mannerisms directed towards your life you must know that within you is a person of endurance, value, power and importance.

You are still standing and believing that the best is yet to come. You have proven that you are not giving up the fight but the fight will give in to what you believe to be true because within you is a heart of determination and perseverance.

Be inspired because you are still breathing breath of life which moves you closer to fulfilling vision. You have withstood the bruising, the knocks and falls and despite the pain, you have chosen to be diligent until time and change yields the results of what you are seeking. It doesn't matter the negative intentions of others because you have learned to inspire yourself. Withdraw and trust the stored up strength within that has helped to sustain you for times when you need it most and be confident that God is still in control and things will improve because of purpose predestined in you!

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