The Heart Of Who I Am

The Heart Of Who I Am
My first book

Monday, February 22, 2010

A Heart Scorned...

As I listen, observe and read of the many stories and experiences from the lives of people whom I've never met and those whom I've been privileged to know, we all have a story to share about a heart scorned. We may come from varying environments, different lifestyles and a vast array of learning styles however, the pain within is very similar and the comparisons of our lives are equivalent. Nevertheless, we still find it necessary and acceptable to continue to induce and provoke intentional pain in the lives of others without thinking of the consequences or repercussions. We still accept and allow, in many ways, people in our lives who promote division and discord and in some cases people who speak against and defame the name and character of other people because of their inner hurts & pains which haven't been properly dealt with. A scorned heart only scorns the heart of others because they have allowed unresolved issues and unforgiveness to permeate the way they think about themselves. No matter how educated, financially secure or successful a person may appear, if they have been scorned in their lives and have not received proper counsel they will, undoubtedly, pay it forward without any reservations or consideration of the heart of others. Think about your choices, actions, words and reasons of why you want to see someone suffer more than what life experiences and lessons have already dealt. Choose to end a cycle of worthless behavior and foolishness and take responsibility where you are to restore your mind and renew your heart to allow healing and bring to an end negative conduct and intentions.

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